Starts December 21, 2022

Winter Solstice to New Year’s Somatic Spells

A journey through the death of the year and into the rebirth of the new one

12 Days of Inspiration, Contemplation, Practice, and Ritual

There is a sacred, sentimental space that gently opens up on Winter Solstice - the longest night of the year, the peak of darkness, the dark night of the soul - and cradles us through the year’s last few breaths, ushering us into the birth of a new one.

Those days can be contemplative and reflective, and call us into our depth, inviting us to collaborate on a transformative journey.

There is wisdom in the darkness
There are oceans of love in grief
There’s a process to death
Which unfolds into new beginnings
The end of a cycle is the birth of new life

This 12 day journey is created to support you as you walk through this powerful portal between this year and the next. The rituals, practices, and prompts will help you process the year that is ending in a meaningful way, and begin the new one with warmth, self compassion, an open mind/heart, and a soulful recognition of your life as art. 


Wednesday December 21, 2022 (Winter Solstice)

through Sunday January 1, 2023 (New Years' Day)

Each Day You Will Receive: 

1. Video: Theme

The contemplation of the day

With symbols, metaphors, myths, and archetypes, we'll weave evocative reflections into this powerful season.

2. Video: Meditation

A meditation & pranayama practice.

Sit and breath with mantras and mudras; bring the theme of the day into your inner vision, the depth of your heart and your creative life.

3. Video: Asana

A short yet deep asana practice.

Embody the theme of the day with a ceremonial sequence of movement, breath, and poses - a mix of dynamic, gentle, and restorative practices.

4. Text: Prompts

Journal / Contemplation Prompts

Each day you will also receive prompts to journal with, to contemplate, or to spark deep conversations with family or friends.

*Each video is 10-30 minutes, to keep it digestible and doable. You can weave these different pieces into your day, without feeling like you need big chunks of committed time for this experience to be sacred and profound.


Ritual Ideas, Poem Prompts, and other surprises!

Mythopoetic Exploration

We will look at the year that ends and the year that is beginning through mythopoetic lenses, receiving inspiration from the plant world, different characters and archetypes, ancient texts, and the teachings of the season. We will turn the mythopoetic exploration into an embodied enchantment and create somatic spells to spread as seeds onto the soil of this sacred space between the years. 

Your teacher

Hagar Harpak

Hagar Harpak is a mama of two, a kitchen witch, a storyteller, a ceremony facilitator, a yoga, meditation, and breath-work teacher, an explorer of the intersection of Mother Nature, mythology, philosophy, poetry, magic, seasons, and somatics. She’s been weaving myths into movement since 2004.


What People say

Hagar’s magical brew of myth, practice, and personal truth, help give my intentions form, my dreams substance, and the smallest parts of myself the permission to be. These ceremonies ground my life within the cycles of the earth in a poetic, yet matter of fact way. Hagar creates the space to connect to something greater without taking ourselves too seriously. She gives us a place to bring all of ourselves to. Having this space throughout the year to ponder myths and traditions, explore my own inner landscape and physicality, and connect to other like minded souls has been an anchor for me. It has helped give me strength in these trying times and a greater ability to find comfort with the uncomfortable. Hagar is a guiding light uniting us witches, thinkers, feelers, artists, and fellow humans together as we strive to build our lives with vision and purpose.

Julie Goldman , Dancer, Mama

Hagar’s moon and seasonal ceremonies have been an essential part of my life during an epically challenging, a devastating year actually. What I love is that I can show up to these communal and ceremonial spaces that Hagar so lovingly creates exactly as I am, which is sometimes a mess, and find the experience spacious enough to envelop me however I show up. And I think this is because Hagar has a magical way of creating community and allowing all the pain, messiness, discomfort, grief as well as joy, beauty, sensuality, humor and grace of our human lives to coexist. Steeped in myth and ancient texts and the cycles of nature, these ceremonies simultaneously allow me and others to process experiences of the time we’re living in now and connect to ancient wisdom. Listening transfixed to Hagar’s luscious retelling of Hindu myths is both deeply pleasurable and deeply thought provoking, and how she connects these stories to mantra and movement to bring them into the body is an experience that is transformative.

Sarah Eggers , Therapist, Mama

Participating in Hagar’s ceremonies connects me to the larger cosmic story of which we are all a part, but which I often fail to recognize in the bustle of everyday life. Hagar creates beautiful containers of sacred space that help me drop-in to the beauty of my own life and the dance of earth’s cycles. Each ceremony is engaging for body, heart and mind, inviting creativity, play, reflection and intimacy. I always leave feeling more connected to the life-giving rhythms of nature, inspired by the other beautiful humans who show up with authenticity and openness, and more rooted in my sense of Self. The ceremonies help me to show up to my life with intention, leaving me more grounded, grateful and enlivened to move back out into ordinary life from a place of deeper love.

Stephanie Jenkins , Teacher

I've been practicing with Hagar for ten years now, and I couldn't recommend her more. Hagar is able to combine community, ceremony, mythology, and movement in a way that is both profound for experienced practitioners, and accessible and welcoming for people who are new to the practice and/or skeptical of spirituality. Hagar is able to weave in stories and myths from a variety of different traditions in order to prompt discussion and reflection regarding relationships, family, and personal growth. I never know exactly what to expect from one of her ceremonies, but I'm always able to learn, and reflect, and gain new insight into my current circumstances. I always leave a ceremony reinvigorated and feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders (or my hips, or wherever else I'm holding my stress and emotions). It's almost impossible to describe the journeys we take during these ceremonies . . . they really must be experienced to be appreciated!

Julianne Prescop , Attorney/Deputy Public Defender & Mama

Participating in rituals with Hagar has been soul-shifting. Through these rituals I can connect with a softer, fiercer and more playful side of myself. This is a side that I know is there, but that is challenging for me to see and embrace. Through these rituals I know and accept myself more fully, and I am able to engage with myself and others more authentically.

Kelly Grace , Yoga Teacher

This journey includes:

36 videos, daily prompts, plus bonus content 

Once released, all content will be yours to review and revisit anytime.

Make this time meaningful!

Walk this portal with intentionality and inspiration! 

Weave the ending year into a tapestry of beauty and breath!

Embody your visions for the new year!

Join me on this Winter Journey! 

xoxo Hagar

Course DAtes: 12/21/2022 - 1/1/2023

Join the course for $250 $125

or whatever you can afford

If you want to do this but can’t pay anything, please email me and we will make it happen for you.

No one will be left out for lack of funds!

Time until the Course Starts:


Course in Progress - join now and get the complete course - and revisit anytime.
