Fall Equinox Somatic Ceremony - CLOSED

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  • Fall Equinox Somatic Ceremony - CLOSED

Somatic Ceremony



Somatic Ceremony

8 Lessons

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Starts September 21, 2024

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Fall Equinox Somatic Ceremony - CLOSED

Somatic Ceremony

Enchant your life as we fall into Autumn, shift into the softer light of the season, and transition into growing darkness, as you receive the wisdom cooking in you through exploration of symbols, archetypes, and mythology. Dive into an inner journey through the complexity of life, death, rebirth, and the unfolding story of existence. This video is about an hour and a half long. Take this talk on a walk, or listen to it when you’re cooking or cleaning, fill a bath and bring it in there with you, or listen to it on your drives around town. Make it work for you. This is a ceremony you can stretch over a long period of time. You can go to the next one right away or come back to it another day.

Video lesson

Somatic Ceremony

In this sacred space we explore the mythic landscape of Athena and Medusa, and bring the edge of each archetype into the center through breathwork, mantra, mudra, and gentle movement. This ceremony is crafted in a way that invites you to dive deep and stretch wide over as long of a period as you'd like. You can go to the next one right away or come back to it another day.

Video lesson

Somatic Ceremony

Bring yourself into deep relationship with life, with the wind, and with your breath, as you turn to the east and the element of air. Call in the power of discernment, and invoke the nurturing energy of Prana, and the transformative energy of Kundalini, through pranayama, asana, mantra, movement, mudras and the art of ritual. This ceremony is crafted in a way that invites you to dive deep and stretch wide over as long of a period as you'd like. You can go to the next one right away or come back to it another day.

Video lesson

Somatic Ceremony

We turn to the south and the element of fire, the spark of creativity, the flames of destructive and protective powers, the intense energy of this element, and with it we alchemize inner and outer difficulties into valuable resources, and empower ourselves and others. Breathe, move, chant, and transform in the flames of ritual, with the fierce love of goddess Kali. This ceremony is made so you can stretch it over a while. You can go to the next one right away or come back to it after a few days.

Video lesson

Somatic Ceremony

In this session we turn to the west, to the life giving power of water, and into the simultaneity of challenge and nourishment, gifts and lessons, hardships and blessings. Durga, demon slayer Hindu goddess, will guide us through the complex waters of Fall, inviting us to shapeshift as we navigate gratitude and grief, with breath, movement, mantra, and mudra. This is a ceremony you can play with and engage with over a few days or a few weeks. You can go to the next one right away or come back to it another day.

Video lesson

Somatic Ceremony

As we turn to the north and the element of earth, we play with the mythic magic of Mint, as well as the deep powers of the wild boar. Get grounded and present in this contemplative ritual practice that weaves together restorative elements, pranayama, mudra, mantra, and invites your life into a slow dance of diversity, difference and interconnectedness. Come back to these lessons whenever you feel called to. This somatic ceremony is yours and is meant to support your sacred space within and around you.

Video lesson

Somatic Ceremony

These prompts are opportunities to contemplate the season and where you are in your life. Use them to journal or as conversation starters with loved ones or with strangers. Take your time. You can do a prompt a day, or one in the evening and one in the morning, or you can move through the list in one go, or take a few on a walk here and there. Make this process yours, because it is!

Text lesson

Somatic Ceremony

In this session we meditate and chant with mantra and mudra, and practice pranayama to weave the teachings and the magic the season into the fabric of your life, receive where you are, who you are, and what is moving through you, and release what doesn't belong in your life anymore. Come back to this ritual practice as much as you want. Use it for your morning meditation, practice in the bath, play it out in nature, or whenever/wherever you feel it calling you.

Video lesson

About the teacher

Hagar Harpak

Hagar Harpak is a mama of two, a kitchen witch, a storyteller, a ceremony facilitator, a yoga, meditation, and breath-work teacher, an explorer of the intersection of Mother Nature, mythology, philosophy, poetry, magic, seasons, and somatics. She’s been weaving myths into movement since 2004.

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