New Moon In Gemini – Enchant your changeability

June 17, 2023

by Hagar Harpak

Trees hugging - the duality of Gemini as a supportive act

A new moon in Gemini arrives Saturday June 17th at 9:37pm, right as we reach toward the end of Gemini season.

A quick reminder, dear one; Having faith in astrology, or in any human made up system for that matter, is not a requirement for playing with it. Believing in something can often close off our minds, and limit our capacity to explore, because faith lacks ambiguity and creates an environment of certainty, of a final word instead of an open ended conversation. 

We can explore, instead of believing, recognize that we’re meaning making creatures, and allow that to support the fluidity, the breath, and the sparks of our creativity. 

Gemini is creativity and inspiration embodied, in a constant process of reformulation. 

The archetype of Gemini invites us into a mutable reality, one that is as difficult to grasp as the flickering lights of fireflies. It is mercurial, able to move between spaces, in and out of places, and jump around between different aspects of the self and the world.

With this archetype we can remind ourselves that we are more than one thing.

The Greek myth about Gemini tells us about two sets of twins born to Spartan queen Leda. who was irresistibly beautiful. Zeus showed up as a swan and seduced her by the banks of a river. Leda had a wild ride on the wings of pleasure with Zeus, and later that night had some more fun with her husband, king Tyndareus. The result was the birth of two pairs of twins. 

Two twins, four children – Castor and Pullox were the male twins, Helen and Clytaemnestra were the female twins. Two were demigods, and the other two were mortals. But myth mixes up who is who, and reminds us to not get too stuck in one right way, one definition, or one form. 

Gemini inspires innovation and adaptability, and nudges us to dissolve rigidity. 

The number two offers us duality. The number four represents stability. We are never just one thing, and our stability resides in our changeability. We are mutable. We are transitional. We are divine and human, natural and cultural, male and female and everything that’s in between, earthbound and space travelers, wild and domesticated, free and limited. We are a pulse between perspectives, a pull between polar opposites, a walking contradiction, which continuously creates the possibility of creativity. 

In Gemini we find muse and fly with her through worlds not yet formed and words not yet spoken. We anchor creativity in communication, and root into the soil of the earth only because we know it spins through space, and isn’t as solid as it seems. 

Versatile and vivacious, Gemini asks us to open ourselves up to the vitality of a self that is a collection of selves, a shapeshifter, a trickster, a creative impulse that dances into existence in a multiverse, an animated reality, and a world that is always here and never the same. 

As the moon renews itself in this air sign, we are invited to breathe the multitude of who we are, the diversity of the world, the imaginative capacity of our species, and the inspiration that stares at us through the interconnectedness of all that exists. 

Go outside. Breathe the almost Summer air. Imagine the world you want to live in. Ignite the light of who you envision yourself becoming. Interpret your life in ways that empower you. Bring yourself into relationship with your environment, into connection, into communication as an art form that requires not only prolific expression, but also profound listening. 

Go here for a FREE New Moon in Gemini video. 

And let’s dive into the Summer Solstice together, let it take us on a journey of inspiration, creativity, and transformation, invite mythology to expand our understanding of ourselves, and broaden our capacity to imagine a world we want to participate in creating. 

Join me for the Summer Solstice Somatic Ceremony! You’ll get:

  • Five videos with transformative  practices bringing metaphors and symbols of Summer into the body with breath work, meditation, mantra, mudra, and movement. 
  • One video with a seated pranayama, and meditation practice. 
  • A mythopoetic exploration of the solstice and the season – a video talk that you can take with you on a walk, or a drive, into a bath, or into your house chores. 
  • Journal prompts / conversation starters that you can work with and play with the whole Summer. 

It’s all pre-recorded, and you can take your time with this deep, rich, layered, and elaborate experience. Sign up here. 

Let me know if you have any questions.

And if you want to read about the Summer solstice, check out this article I wrote, published in Creatrix Magazine. 

Happy new moon, lovely one! 

February 12, 2025

February 6, 2025

January 29, 2025

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