Revolutionary Death – a poem to inspire life

October 31, 2024

by Hagar Harpak

Revolutionary Death

Rotten debris roaring dramatically 

Reclaiming danger in a cooling body

Cooing breath relentlessly dipping

Mind in infinity 

Releasing delicate connective tissue

Into a reframing process 

This is not it anymore 

And that way of becoming is now


Difficulties purr in the caress of

The times 

And the age 

World events and the decay of intelligence 

A society of numbness and righteousness 


Reflecting on a life evaporating 

Aging body and war and parenting

Revolving deep around matters that matter

To mad hatters 

To who?

The heavy hand of mother time presses down

And rolling different possibilities 

On the tongue 

Deep breath

Dear death,

I am not ready for you 

There are more breaths to give

More life to live

More hissing to weave into the rise and fall

We call evolution 

Bitter sentimental blow to more egos

Softer, wilder fucks to give

Breathless, bare blessings 

Sexy reasons to live

And rigorous dedication to love

Are you here to receive the tender pieces

Of a changing reality’s decay?

The earth is breathing spring into another 

Birdsong and blossoming art

A flower calls a bee over

Recognizing death in this pulsing exchange 

Of pollen and nectar 

Ride down intoxicated into a beginningless end

Fly up into the open pulse of no solution 

Giving death a revolution 

Soul entangled as soil, singing

The butterfly bard 

Takes you into the next breathless moment 

Of realizing differences as real

And separation as not 

She lays an egg 

Revolutionizing death

February 12, 2025

February 6, 2025

January 29, 2025

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